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Hotel KONVENTUM hotel 3 estrellas - KONVENTUM



  • Fotos del hotel - KONVENTUM
  • Fotos del hotel - KONVENTUM
  • Fotos del hotel - KONVENTUM
  • Fotos del hotel - KONVENTUM
  • Fotos del hotel - KONVENTUM
  • Fotos del hotel - KONVENTUM
  • Fotos del hotel - KONVENTUM
  • Fotos del hotel - KONVENTUM
The hotel is located outside the city center of Helsingor with views of the Oresund and sporting a private golf course.The restaurant at Konventum has one of Denmark's most beautiful direct views of the Sound (Oresund). With a distance of only 4 km to the Swedish coast, you can dine while enjoying the sight of the traffic on the Sound, and Sweden in the background. When the weather permits, the restaurant's specialities can be enjoyed out on the terrace.The building has an inspiring collective atmosphere, and is known and admired for its architecture and large collection of Danish art.This accommodation has a small lobby.Konventum Konferencehotel has 197 rooms in 6 independent buildings are located around the main building itself. Each building has a common room and its own tea kitchen. 11 rooms are located in the new wing, with direct access from the conference area. The hotel has it's own golf course, conference facilities and houses a large art collection.
Mapa de ubicación - Hotel konventum

Información de interés - Hotel konventum

  • Numero de habitaciones: 0

Disponibilidad del hotel konventum

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